Category Archives: 2014/2015

Our Women’s Campaign

This year our Women’s Campaign is working hard to fight for women’s welfare on campus. Over the past few years we’ve been listening to all self-defining women students’ suggestions about what they would like to be improved on campus and what we can provide to make them feel safer. As such we have been avidly promoting the Campus Watch safety services including their 24/7 escort service and their free safety alarms, since a lot of students – freshers or otherwise – were unaware that these services even existed.

Aside from that we’ve already pushed through a Kent Union, Kent Police, and University of Kent approved campaign called ‘We Can Stop It.’ This campaign focuses on raising awareness about sexual assault and rape on campus and seeks to adjust the social attitude towards consent and what precisely constitutes sexual assault. In relation to this we are currently working with Women’s Rugby and Jiu Jitsu to hold a self-defence class on campus for anyone who wishes to participate, since this was an idea that a lot of students pushed forward to me.


Starting in January we’ll be launching a self-made campaign designed and constructed by myself as Women’s Officer to aid the promotion of women in leadership and power, not only within our University, but outside of it too. ‘Make Our Gender A Contender’ will be a poster campaign focused upon questioning how imbalanced the scales are in terms of gender representation and coupled with public speaking workshops and other self-confidence boosting ideas, the Women’s Campaign are focused upon aiding self-defining women to reach higher levels of potential than they otherwise might have thought unreachable.

If you’d like to hear more or find out how you can get involved please contact us:
